Vision Bariatrics

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Scars: What to Expect

Jul 29, 2020 @ 09:38 PM — by Gaston Tessada
Tagged with: Gastric Sleeve Surgery Scars

At Oasis of Hope Bariatrics, we offer a number of weight loss procedures to help patients jumpstart a healthier lifestyle. One of the most popular treatments is gastric sleeve surgery, which reduces the size of the stomach and limits the number of calories consumed. 

Our doctors perform gastric sleeve surgery at our Tijuana, MX bariatric practice. Here, we will discuss gastric sleeve surgery scars and what patients can expect following the procedure.

Where Are the Incisions Placed?

The location and length of your incisions depends on the type of gastric sleeve surgery performed. There are two primary options:

How Visible Are the Scars?

If single-incision gastric sleeve surgery is performed, the scar is hidden inside of the navel. Therefore, it is not visible at all. 

Following laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery, the small scars are somewhat visible. However, they fade significantly over time and become more difficult to see.

How Long Will it Take for My Scars to Fade?

Your gastric sleeve surgery scars should start to fade within the first few months. They will continue to diminish as time goes by. There are several things you can do to reduce the appearance of your scars. 

Reducing the Appearance of Your Gastric Sleeve Surgery Scars

The best way to prevent excessive scarring is to follow all recommended guidelines provided by your surgical team. These will be discussed during your initial consultation and you will also be given a detailed list of post-operative instructions the day of your gastric sleeve surgery. In the meantime, we will explore a few general guidelines below.

Contact Us for More Information

Gastric sleeve surgery requires small incisions. However, you can take steps to significantly reduce the appearance of scarring. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation at our Tijuana, MX practice, contact us online or call our office at (619) 690-8417.